Contrary to what you may think, this acronym is not a Scandinavian word, it has a powerful meaning that came to my mind not long ago. In hindsight, it means a lot to me, as I started living by the standards of the acronym without even realising I was. Reiki has had a big part in that.
More about the word later….

I had the privilege to be invited to talk at an open day at Energisefitness.co.uk, I have to confess, I was a bit petrified at the prospect of having to give a 30 min talk. Although it was about a subject I am passionate about, nevertheless it was in front of people I have never met. If you were lucky enough not to be able to listen to me that day, I have to report that it went very well, I survived, however I am not sure some of the members of the audience did.
I wanted to share with you a couple of the points I touched on that day, and how some people commented afterwards how much they enjoyed that aspect of the talk. It was about Reiki, and what it is. The life spiritual force that is present in every living thing on this earth. However, there is a process, as simple as it may be, we tend to separate ourselves from it. How do we do such a thing? Simple, through thought alone.
Take a moment to observe nature, insects, birds, and plants, all types of animals or living creatures. What you will see is harmony, balance, and synchronicity. It is almost as if there was an invisible force guiding the order of the day and all creatures and species instinctively know their role to play. If we were to pay more attention to our instinct we could connect with that abundant energy that is available to us. Energy is all that is!
That is exactly what we are, our energy and the life force is accessible to us at any time. That is the process I am talking about. Thought separates us because we introduce fear to the equation, greed, anger, envy, all sorts of negative emotions and feelings which separate us more and more from the source of everything. Humans are born with only two fears, the fear of falling (tripping over) and the fear of loud noises, everything else is learned.
So, let’s go back to the acronym.
T.L.A.G which stands for Trust Love Acceptance Gratitude
Everything that happens in the process (Life) either negative or positive brings two things: a big lesson to be learned as part of the journey or tremendous joy as part of the learning.
I extend an invitation to you right now: T.L.A.G
Trust the process, love everything in the process, accept with love the process and be grateful every day for being able to exist in the process. The G is very important, sometimes you may not be able to achieve any of the other three, understandably, but if you can still manage to be grateful your perspective will be much better and the lesson can be learned.
Be love and Give love

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1 Comment

  1. Hola Tavo entendí poco, pero felicitaciones por estas publicaciones implican haber vivido cosas importantes para compartirlas al mundo… súper!!
